I am a proud lesbian!
In really early years i discoverd i was not like everyone else, i discovred i was a lesbian. And all trough school i have been fighting it like if i fighted hard enough i would be normal straight, not a lesbian. but later in life i have learned that you do not choose to be a lesbian or gay or bisexuall, and when i came out no one in my family belived me to be a lesbian becouse they didnt accept it at first, my friend was reallt okey with it no problem at all, And later my family stated that i could not know if i was a lesbian becouse i had´nt had sex with a girl. So that made me mad, so i asked my family if they knew they were straight all answering yes lead me to say, so how did you know you were straight and they answer that they just knew like a feeling and they just knew before they had sex for the first time so i said
Me: so what makes you being able to know before you had sex and not me? why would it be any diffrent for me? why can´t i feel that feeling?
i was able to convince 2 in my family one brother and my father, my mother and other brother still stated i didnt know becouse i had´nt had sex yet. So i got myself really drunk at the age of 16 and had sex with a guy, wich of course i did not enjoy. Then i ran home to mom and told her, so i know im gay cuz i had sex with a guy last night. so then my mother was convinced but she did not want me to say i was if it was proven i just was confused at that age.
and now for my older brother that still says i need to have sex with a girl to know, he did not know i have had sex with a guy and now im 18. so a week ago we talked about again, he stated he knew he was straight before having sex so i told him well how can´t i know before sex with a girl then? so he changed his argument to
Brother: Well i know cuz i have had sex with a girl
Me: Well i know im gay cuz i have had sex with a guy
Brother: That´s not the same! you need to have sex with a girl to know!
Me: Oh My god just accepted the fact that im gay! i have had sex with a guy so i know im gay! that is the exakt same argument you doing just reversed!
Brother: No it is not!
Brother 2: cmon bro you know shes right! i totaly agree with her! when you say stuff like that it makes you sound stupid!
Me: im going out to smoke now hes inposseble to convince anyway..... it would even matter to him if i had sex with a girl he would still come up with some dumb argument about me not knowing!
The End of the argument.
really? he can´t just accepted me? he is going to lose me if he does not accept me for who i am. i thought to myself, but then i started thinking why would i do that he is my brother i can´t do that even if he does not accept me. All i can do is just wait for him to realize his little sister is gay no matter how long time it´s gonna take. he is my brother and will always be no matter what!
so for everyone out there that has family who does not accept you for who you are dont bring it up let them take the time they need to accept it cuz one day they will.
well there is cases that they wont like religon. but see past that don´t leave your family becouse of one simple thing that is not a big deal! even tho ppl think it is, its actully not! i know it´s hard waiting for someone to accept you specielly when it is your own family...
but one day you will feel sorry that you left them only for that little thing and you are gonna wish you could spend more time with your family. and that time is going to be when a close family member or what used to be a close family member has died. you will never see that person again. i wish i could speak one more time with my father. he did accept me for who i was but i barely spend any time with him the last 2 years. almost nothing, so i regret that so much! so spend as much time with your family as possible! they will come around eventually!