NO HATE! there is always going to be haters out there but let´s just ignore them and hope they go away!
I can´t help feeling that a few celebrities think they better then everybody "normal" people just cuz they got more money and fame. And the thing about celebrities is that they don´t seem to realize who got them there... well let me give you a hint! YOUR FANS! sure the crazy fans i can understand you want to hide from the crazy ones.
If i would meet my idol i would do nothing not even go over and say hi just becouse they don´t know me and i don´t know him/her. i only say hi and talk to people i know, sure if they are sitting like in a sitcom signing autographs sure i would walk over say hi and get a autograph, but if they are just walking down the streets i would not bother them. they are us we are them there is no diffrence. they are people to just like you and me, imagine if people took your picture everywhere you went? like that would be really annoying wouldnt it? so before you run over to a celeb think about what you would think about it. either you would like wonder what crazy person you don´t know just comes and talks to you. well we can all agree that celebs don´t have fun lives with no privacy!
But the thing that bugs me with celebs is that they almost don´t make an effort to thank fans becouse the fans got them where they are today. sure they post 1-10 videos thanking fans, but how bout try another thing like mabey call a fan everyday. or have contests everyday to hang out with your idol for a day. like if i was famous i would really let my fans in on my life, and not just post a video thanking fans for being fans! i would call a fan everyday. hang out with 1-3 fans a day, make em feel like im they're friend and just not an idol.
I would make an effort to thank my fans in a diffrent way. like i described before. but i know that would be tough and almost inpossable to do if your busy, but instead of one day mabey a day per week if i would be really busy with work..
So for every celeb out there make more efforts thanking and supporting YOUR fans! i know they´d appriciate it. call them or videochat with them if your really busy. but don´t call them from your real number get a new like a fan number that you turn off once you called a fan or two and turn back on the next time you call a fan then turn it off again so you don´t get bombed. well you will anyway, call from a private number so they don´t see phonenumber.
well that´s my opinion. but THIS will never happen :) just wanted to put it out of my head :) and PS let your idol be who she/he is without leaving the fan club! like miley for example she just want to be who she feels like being. nothing wring with that i would rather say it is brave of her since she has alot of fans. LET CELEBRITIES BE WHO THEY WANT! and be who you want don´t be someone else!